Size: 200 x 200 pixels (can be bigger or smaller, but keep the same ratio to avoid distortion)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Can be any name, but I recommend using the name of the wrestler in all lower case, with an underscore for any spaces. This increases the chance of the game auto-selecting the image for that wrestler.
Stored: Images\People folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Wrestler Profile Picture in the game
Note: Inside the Images\People folder is a file called 0 - template.psd. This is a template containing the default background for Wrestler Profile Pictures. To use this, open the file in image editing software such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. Then find a photo you wish to use of the wrestler and save it. Go to the website and click Upload Image. Select the photo of your wrestler. The website will then remove the background of the photo, leaving only your wrestler. Click on Download to save the image with a transparent background. Open that image in your image editing software. Copy the transparent image and paste onto the background template image as a new layer. Make sure you order the wrestler layer below the border of the template. Save the image as a .jpg file in the Images\People folder with the size around 14 KB.
Size: 1274 x 691 pixels (this is the new size from 7th Oct 2022)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Start the file name with bg_ e.g. bg_newpic1.jpg
Stored: Images\Screens folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Background Image in the game
Note: Changing the Options screen from the Title Screen Menu sets the Background Images for every new game started using the current Data Pack. Changing the Options screen from the Main Menu only changes your current saved game.
Size: 1274 x 691 pixels (this is the new size from 7th Oct 2022)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Start the file name with loading_ e.g. loading_newpic1.jpg
Stored: Images\Screens folder of the relevant Data Pack
From 7th Oct 2022, the game randomly selects a Loading Screen from however many there are in the Images\Screens folder of the Data Pack being used.
Size: 896 x 41 pixels
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Start the file name with header_ e.g. header_newpic1.jpg
Stored: Images\Screens folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Heading Background Image in the game
Note: Changing the Options screen from the Title Screen Menu sets the Background Images for every new game started using the current Data Pack. Changing the Options screen from the Main Menu only changes your current saved game.
Size: 217 x 125 pixels (can be bigger or smaller, but keep the same ratio to avoid distortion)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Can be any name, but I recommend using just the promotion's initials, for ease of use when selecting the file in the game or the editor
Stored: Images folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Promotion Logo in the game
Size: 280 x 200 pixels (can be bigger or smaller, but keep the same ratio to avoid distortion)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Can be any name, but I recommend using just the promotion's initials followed by the name of the show, for ease of use when selecting the file in the game or the editor
Stored: Images folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Show Logo in the game
Size: 280 x 200 pixels (can be bigger or smaller, but keep the same ratio to avoid distortion)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Can be any name. I recommend starting with the promotion's initials, to make it easy to find in the list.
Stored: Images folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Brand Logo in the game
It is not currently possible to do that, but the feature will be added soon.
Size: 387 x 258 pixels (can be bigger or smaller, but keep the same ratio to avoid distortion)
File Type: jpg, bmp, gif
File Name: Can be any name
Stored: Images\Championships folder of the relevant Data Pack
How to select a new Title Belt Picture in the game
On the Champions screen, click on the name of a title or its holder to bring up the pop up screen. Click Edit. Select the required image file from the drop down list.
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